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PostWysłany: Wto 22:34, 26 Kwi 2011    Temat postu: Lesson planning system development with distance e

Lesson planning system development with distance education courseware

Of: Department of Electronic Engineering, Jinan University Graduate Wang Jian 99 Abstract: This paper describes a simple and convenient distance learning courseware development tools - including lesson preparation and use of the system will convert RTF files into HTML format technology and courseware framework generated a detailed description of technology, and gives the effect of the finished courseware. Keywords: distance education, preparation systems, courseware, RTF files, HTML files I. Introduction With the growing popularity of Internet, online materials and information on a variety of increasingly more, more and more rich, which the network has brought the rapid development of distance education opportunities. Increasing number of network courseware was developed for teachers and students teaching and learning has brought great convenience. But these courseware are normally one or some of the teachers according to their needs and habits to prepare the production of lectures, had a very strong personal characteristics. For other schools, other teachers, the courseware often can not meet their requirements. But make your own courseware and requires a lot of work, resulting in many teachers looking for distance education networks and stop. How can we allow teachers to quickly and easily create their own courseware it? Second, the lesson planning system This article describes a software tool developed by the Institute of Jinan University, developed a network courseware development tools - teachers lesson planning system. The system's main function is to text, pictures, sound, animation and other material the way to edit the document made into the teacher's courseware, and then in the form of courseware into web pages posted online, the teacher can be a long-distance teaching. System interface with the Microsoft word very similar (Figure 1), for those familiar with the word teacher is very much at home had to operate. System also provides the framework for courseware builder to manage the directory tree courseware pages, so the teacher can more clearly organized. Figure 1 system is the core technology used in Microsoft word to support a common file format - Rich text format (RTF), converted into a web page format - -html. For many people, html are already familiar with, but you do not understand for the RTF, the following to analyze the structure of RTF. III, RTF file format RTF structure is not complicated, virtually every RTF file is a text file, which include the This text file of which the various orders, and the corresponding text is displayed. RTF file commands are some of the Also includes a complete RTF file header and file body in two parts. Including fonts in the file header table file table, a few color table data structure, the body of the font files, tables, style are based on the information in the header to format. Header table in each of a pair of brackets. Here is an example of a color table. { Colortbl; red0 green0 blue0; red0 green0 blue255; red0 green255 blue255; red0 green255 blue0; red255 green0 blue255; red255 green0 blue0; red255 green255 blue0; red255 green255 blue255; red0 green0 blue128; red0 green128 blue128; red0 green128 blue0; red128 green0 blue128; red128 green0 blue0; red128 green128 blue0; red128 green128 blue128; red192 green192 blue192;} first by a When used in a color display. The colors are red, green and blue components, respectively, 0. Other and so on, between the two colors separated by a semicolon. In the context of the File layout format from the command body, body, and composed of a variety of special commands. Command is used to control the layout format of the text to display the font, colors and other layout-related projects. The special command is in the show some example images, text and other special forms to use when. There are special commands will use braces to enclose some of his sub-command, but in any case, the number of left and right braces braces is the number one correspondence (Note: the entire RTF file is also by a pair of large brackets). In addition, because the character For text, RTF file for the special treatment, we all know, a Chinese character is composed of a 16-bit digital code to represent the inner, that is, the length of the two ASCII characters. RTF file is not a simple ASCII characters in the two body, because it causes a special ASCII characters and the conflict in the text. RTF file using a command way to represent Chinese characters: Such as In addition, RTF files on the graphics processing is a very important issue, but also achieved a difficult lesson planning system. In the RTF file, there is graphic in two ways. The first is embedded directly in the way to And no matter that way, the whole picture of the data is by a pair of curly braces (ie Each OLE object in the RTF is divided into two parts, the first part of OLE data, if the RTF file to the OLE operation of the interpreter, you can use this part of the data is the property of OLE and modify parameters show The second part of the But this can not be changed to the OLE object. Microsoft internal use image data is a vector Stored in the RTF METAFILE a complete file, but the data there is a way of ASCII characters. Since most browsers do not support this format image file, so it needs to be converted to a common image formats, such as: BMP, GIF, JPG and so on, but Microsoft Windows software development manual did not METAFILE the description, so can not directly effect the conversion, but in the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) (software develop kid) has two functions a METAFILE format images directly displayed on the screen, so conversion to provide a convenient format, the method is: first of all ASCII characters will be kept in the METAFILE RTF file into the form of 16 hexadecimal numbers stored in a separate Save the file to a temporary file on disk, and then use the Memory DC, there are virtual display memory, and therefore can not see the actual picture on the screen display.) Then use the method to capture the image pixels can be taken out and save it into a BITMAP image format files. Then converted through a number of common graphics program can be saved as GIF or smaller capacity JPG formats. (Specific procedures as in Appendix 1) introduce the following specific HTML from RTF into the process, the flow chart shown in Figure 2: Figure 2 conversion process is actually very simple, that is, the search command word of the leading character If there is found to have left brace, then the command will always work until there is a corresponding right parenthesis to match their date, if there are nested braces, the command will always work to have all of the left brace corresponding to its matching right brace to date (the body of the braces with With the RTF to HTML converter, preparation system can be said to have completed a half (as shown in Figure 3, Figure 1 is converted into the html RTF document after the effect). Figure 3 four courseware structure generator for the convenience of teacher in the class,p90x workout calendar, only the leaves of a document into a network is not enough, the teacher is based on a certain level, a certain degree of order lectures, so we increase the generator of a courseware framework, where the use of a control Web path connecting node; text that the node name) can be displayed in the form of a tree, the hierarchy of the courseware. (Figure 4) Figure 4 the structure of this tree can be saved, so the next time the teacher changes. Javascript can also be displayed on the page, the specific approach is: first write a javascript program (such as Appendix 2) used to display an array into a tree on a Web page structure, in which part of the array with an identifier mark, when each frame to generate courseware first time the number of data structures to form in the form of an array of storage, and then replace the array of information that identifies the symbols you see on this page is in the Treeview control in the mathematical structure. (Figure 5 is a tree structure in Figure 4 display the results ie) Figure 5 ease of use to teachers, the system also provides a hyperlink, the resource manager, java applets and sound connections Images connection and other functions. This forms a set of sufficient teachers preparing lessons used in daily lesson planning system. In addition, the system also provides the upload functionality of courseware, as long as teachers required to set up your server, after adding or modifying courseware is very convenient. But because of our focus is to use the system for teachers not to use some professionals, in order to make the teacher more convenient to use the system, the system will try to simplify some complex operations, this function can not bring results and In addition, word and there was to save as RTF html functionality, but often from the converter will not convert out of the picture entirely. And the teacher to use word to create a complete courseware requires a lot of tools with, to some of the teachers are not familiar with computers has brought a lot of trouble. The system provides teachers with a complete environment for the production of courseware, from the initial production to final release to the web, there are support, and some other systems, has a unique place. Of course, this system still has many shortcomings, such as the conversion table, the RTF document the continuous improvement of the command with the requirements of change, especially in the form of processing commands are modified for each version of the RTF, it is difficult on the table for support, so teachers will need to convert the picture to display the form table. Appendix 1 of the metafile into a bitmap block int WmfToBmp (int width, int height, char * metafile, char * targetBmp) { HMETAFILE hmf; OFSTRUCT of; int fh; HDC hMemDC, hDisplayDC; HBITMAP hbmp, hold; BITMAPFILEHEADER hdr; LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbmpih; HGLOBAL hg ; unsigned int j; char FileBuffer [640 * 480]; hmf =:: GetMetaFile (metafile); hDisplayDC = CreateDC (); hMemDC =:: CreateCompatibleDC (hDisplayDC); hbmp =:: CreateCompatibleBitmap (hDisplayDC, width, height); hold = (HBITMAP):: SelectObject (hMemDC, hbmp); PatBlt (hMemDC, 0,0, width, height, WHITENESS); SetMapMode (hMemDC, MM_ANISOTROPIC); SetWindowOrgEx (hMemDC, 0,0, NULL); SetViewportExtEx (hMemDC, width, height, NULL); PlayMetaFile (hMemDC, hmf); hbmp = (HBITMAP):: SelectObject (hMemDC, hold); if ((fh = OpenFile (targetBmp, & of, OF_CREATEOF_READWRITE ))==- 1) { return 0; } hdr.bfType = 0x4d42; hdr.bfSize = sizeof (BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof (BITMAPINFOHEADER) +2 * 256 * sizeof (RGBQUAD) + width * height; hdr.bfReserved1 = 0; hdr.bfReserved2 = 0; hdr.bfOffBits = sizeof (BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof (BITMAPINFOHEADER) +256 * sizeof (RGBQUAD ); _lwrite (fh, (LPSTR) & hdr, sizeof (BITMAPFILEHEADER)); hg = GlobalAlloc (GHND, sizeof (BITMAPINFOHEADER) +256 * sizeof (RGBQUAD)); lpbmpih = ( LPBITMAPINFOHEADER) GlobalLock (hg); lpbmpih-> biSize = sizeof (BITMAPINFOHEADER); lpbmpih-> biWidth = width; lpbmpih-> biHeight = height; lpbmpih-> biPlanes = 1; lpbmpih-> biBitCount = 8; lpbmpih-> biCompression = 0; lpbmpih-> biSizeImage = width * height; lpbmpih-> biXPelsPerMeter = 3790; lpbmpih-> biYPelsPerMeter = 3780; lpbmpih-> biClrUsed = 256; lpbmpih-> biClrImportant = 0; j = GetDIBits (hMemDC, hbmp, 0, height, NULL, (BITMAPINFO *) lpbmpih, DIB_RGB_COLORS); lpbmpih-> biSize = sizeof (BITMAPINFOHEADER); _lwrite (fh, (LPSTR) lpbmpih, sizeof (BITMAPINFOHEADER) +256 * sizeof (RGBQUAD)); j = GetDIBits (hMemDC, hbmp, 0, height, (LPSTR) FileBuffer, (BITMAPINFO *) lpbmpih, DIB_RGB_COLORS); if (j == 0) { LPVOID lpMsgBuf; FormatMessage (FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, GetLastError (), MAKELANGID (LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR) & lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL); MessageBox (NULL, (LPCTSTR) lpMsgBuf, ); _lclose (fh); GlobalUnlock (hg); GlobalFree (hg); DeleteDC (hMemDC); DeleteDC (hDisplayDC); DeleteObject (hbmp); DeleteObject (hold); DeleteMetaFile (hmf); return 0; } Appendix 2 shows the array javascript on the page program teacher lesson planning system related: computer Thesis, Free Thesis, courseware, lesson planning system development using distance education courseware

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