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PostWysłany: Nie 10:36, 14 Lis 2010    Temat postu: UGG Classic Cardy Boots Chocolate 3

In last few years, I save unit of a few choose and employ persons to default the appearance that discounts hair worker pay still relatively serious. Pay behavior and laborer to counterpoise in dimension for salary of unit of normative choose and employ persons from time to tome the law can be depended on, " pay of business of the Anhui province pays a regulation (draft) " (the following abbreviation " regulation " ) already drafted by hall of province labor safeguard finish UGG Classic Cardy Boots Chocolate, sign up for government sending a province to examine revise. Legislation is civilian, involve the legislative item of unit of numerous choose and employ persons and laborer especially, need naturally to listen to the sound of common people and proposal more. For this, province government legal system does and hall of province labor safeguard carries our newspaper with respect to this " regulation " a few mediumer the rationality of main provision and feasibility, let readers raise a proposal, consider good move.
Province government legal system does of mailbox of phone 0551-2602459 electron
Unit of what choose and employ persons and laborer should bring into suitable scope?
In recent years, a few new organism and form of choose and employ persons begin to appear, for example run by the local people is not company unit, include school of run by the local people, hospital to wait. To ensure the legitimate rights and interests of this part laborer, this " regulation " already was not run by the local people company unit and legionary place to belong to unit and its action to use brought into suitable scope without military status personnel.
This " set " the 2nd: This regulation applies to this province those who have hired worker is individual and unit of company of the of all kinds enterprise inside canton region, blame of run by the local people, industrial and commercial door (unit of choose and employ persons of the following a general designation) with the laborer that forms working relationship to it.
Organization of national office, institution, society and the laborer that establish labor contract relationship to it, and the unit that legionary place belongs to and its action use without military status personnel, this regulation carries out according to.
Whether does laborer have authority to know salary pays a level?
Possibly now still many laborer are in when the salary that get, do not know those who come out to his salary is how to be calculated, so that servantchoose a person for a job unit embezzle part of what should be issued him salary is returned not know the inside story. This " regulation " made clear unit of choose and employ persons to should build clear salary to pay system and the obligation that tell all worker.
This " set " the 8th: Unit of choose and employ persons ought to make the salary of this unit pay an institution lawfully. Make salary pay a system to ought to ask for labour union or the opinion that the worker represents, announce in time in this unit, tell all worker.
This " set " the 9th: Salary pays a system to ought to make clear the following content: (One) salary pays project, standard and way; (2) the cycle that salary pays and date; (3) work overtime salary computation standard; (4) vacation pay pays a level; (5) take the place of lawfully buckle Ugg Classic Tall Boots Romantic Flower, the item of acting pay salary and standard; (6) other concerned wages pays content.
Hair salary can be replaced with objective?
In a few enterprises, use a product or be with shopping the means such as card of certificate, consumption replaces salary to extend the circumstance common occurance of laborer, caused the dissatisfaction of many laborer. Accordingly, this " regulation " made clear salary to cannot be replaced.
This " set " the 14th: Unit of choose and employ persons ought to pay laborer salary with monetary form, must not wait for a form to replace with objective, negotiable securities, must not set laborer to be consumed in appointed place, place, also do not get the consumptive way that provides worker.
The salary that how computation works overtime?
How the salary that work overtime pays is a long-standing problem all the time, work overtime to have different expressional form to different unit, work overtime need not to need cent to be mix of one's own accord mandatory? Whether should overwork time accept restriction? Is the disbursement of overwork salary periodic and OK how long to have? Pay on time for unit of normative choose and employ persons work overtime wage act, this " regulation " work overtime to laborer salary gave out to pay a level outside, set at the same time work overtime the prescribed minimum that salary pays cycle.
This " set " the 20th: Unit of choose and employ persons is in what work beyond legal standard working hours according to needing actually to arrange laborer, ought to pay salary according to the following standard: (One) arrangement laborer is in those who lengthen working hours beyond legal standard working hours, according to do not be versed in under him laborer endowment 150% pay the salary that increase a point; (2) arrange laborer to work in playday, should arrange its to fill above all cease. Cannot arrange fill rest, according to do not be versed in under him laborer endowment 200% pay overwork salary; (3) arrange laborer to be made in legal and off day labourer, should according to do not be versed in under him laborer endowment 300% pay overwork salary.
Before paragraph (one) (3) work overtime salary pays cycle to work overtime to rise that day oneself the longest must not exceed 2 months; (2) overwork salary pays cycle to work overtime to rise that day oneself the longest must not exceed 6 months UGG Classic Metallic Tall Boots Copper 5866, deadline for performance of laborer labor contract is not worth 6 months, ought to pay inside time of labor contract the rest end.
How should be piece rate calculated?
Piecework system is unit of choose and employ persons regards salary as a kind of disbursement form, already was adopted by place of more and more unit of choose and employ persons now. But piecework system also is existing salary standard is not quite normative, work overtime the problem such as salary difficult computation. This " set " the unit of choose and employ persons to implementing piecework system, in affirmatory, adjusted respect of work norm of reckon by the piece to make specific provision.
This " set " the 21st: Implement piecework system, unit of choose and employ persons decides work norm or level of pay of reckon by the piece ought to follow scientific and reasonable principle, affirmatory work norm ought to make this unit is the same as hillock the laborer of 90% above can be finished inside legal working hours.
After laborer is finishing job of norm of reckon by the piece, unit of choose and employ persons arranges his to those who work overtime is in beyond legal working hours, ought to basis this " set " the 20th regulation, respectively according to not under its oneself of piece rate of legal working hours 150% , 200% , 300% pay laborer to work overtime salary. Relevant Information:

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